How We Help

We are flexible in how we work based on your business’ needs, whether as a full-time interim executive, a part-time executive, a strategic project leader or in an advisory capacity helping companies meet a wide variety of needs.

Interim Executivegain a full-time executive providing hands-on marketing management and a valuable addition to your leadership team working in partnership with sales to improve revenue growth

Part-time Executivebenefit from a experienced sales-focused marketing executive helping build a stronger marketing foundation while providing a guiding hand for your marketing team, including assistance with planned hires

Strategic Project Leadershiptake advantage of an knowledgeable, objective perspective for critical marketing and product management initiatives such as reorganizations, marketing plan reviews, and product launches

Whether your company needs to jump start growth, build a stronger track record using insights gained from a fresh perspective, provide an assessment of the marketing team, process or infrastructure, implement or refine a company’s product management framework, or just requires additional marketing expertise after a business ownership transition to lay the groundwork for future growth, we can help.

Let’s talk about your business’ needs.

Regardless of how we engage together, you gain critical insights, assessments of current marketing & product management capabilities and future plans provides an enhanced understanding of the state of marketing and identify needed improvements.

We’ve helped with initiatives such as:

Organizational Assessmentproviding insights for change and growth with recommendations to restructure marketing for improved operational execution

Marketing Plan Reviewidentifying new opportunities for an improved go-to-market strategy and enhance marketing plan and tactics

Product Management Frameworkincorporating product management processes for better new product development and streamlined management of existing and future products

Market Expansionoffering an assessment and recommendations for entry into new markets to grow revenue and expand a businesses’ customer base

See what some of our clients say.

Following a merger or acquisition, we can also help by creating a post-acquisition integration plan that will help you quickly build strong teams and align plans for more rapid execution and improved results.

Who We Work With

We are experienced working with small to mid-sized companies with revenues between $1 and $100 million. These companies have a B2B sales focus or a hybrid sales model where sales are primarily through channel partners. We have worked with many closely held or family businesses and have expertise across a wide variety of industries, including